How to solve these problems for production workshop?

First, analyze why appear the phenomenon of "dirty, chaotic, poor"?
Unreasonable production workshop site, equipment layout, working route; place toolbox and tools randomly; materials, semi-finished products is in a mess; there is dust on equipment, the workshop’s door; water stains, oil on the ground and so on. accumulating various debris, blocking the channel, narrow production workshop office, so the overall environment conditions can’t meet the requirements of relative standard, this is main reason why workshop is dirty, chaos, poor. So what are the effective solutions to resolve?

A lot of companies have implemented 6S management models, SEIRI, SEIES, SEIKETSU, SHITSUKE, and SECURITY. SEIRI refers to save space, making it more flexible to create clear workplace. SEITION refers to reduce time to find something; SEISO is to stabilize the quality, reduce industrial damage; SEIKETSU is to create a clean site, to maintain previous 3S; SHITSUKE is to cultivate good habits, to comply with the rules, to create a team spirit; SECURITY is to establish a safe production environment. 6S management absolutely is effective for the production workshop management, but there is very few business really adhere to the 6S implementation, so you want to effectively improve above issues the production workshop, you should start from every little thing, set the 6S provisions.

In addition to dirty, chaotic, poor, there have no clearly mark for unqualified products on production workshop site. For this point, setting partition pile up area between qualified and substandard product, and finally quality inspection staff put it into practice, I believe this problem can be easily resolved.

Production workshop is full of water and oil. Many managers do not know the reason why appear phenomenon. In fact, it’s caused by not being clean and dry for compressed air, that is, the quality of compressed air can’t reach standard, so you need to choose the appropriate compressed air purification equipment. Most of the enterprises choose refrigeration dryer, while it cannot solve the problem, but biteman modular-units dryer has good effect for purifying compressed air after the continuous testing of the market. It not only has a perfect effect, but also has a low comprehensive energy consumption and integrated Cost compared with other dryer equipment. It can make the compressed air to reach the standards of national level one or level two. Biteman modular-units adsorption dryer has become one of the hottest equipment at home and abroad.

Malaysia Enterprise
Each enterprise exist similarities and differences for production workshop problems. Above several issues, they are the common situation of the production workshop, and then the administrator should divide every task of each department and each responsible person. At the same time, developing the relevant management requirements and set a good example for subordinate. Finally, paying attention to select the right equipment not only solve relative problem for enterprises, but also save costs for enterprises.

Each enterprise's production workshop have specific problems, so how to solve these problems? Developing the relevant improvement program combining actual situation of enterprises, so you should learn from others to make up your shortcoming, not blindly learn other enterprises experience if you want to become better.